'Dogs hosts Annual Breast Cancer Awareness game!
Post date: Feb 13, 2017 7:09:15 AM
Fresno State honored the Susan G. Komen Central Valley and Sisterhood of Survivors on the court, as well as breast cancer survivors during halftime. At half time, Sisterhood of Survivors members stood on the court while the commentator introduced each survivor and briefly described her journey story. Each survivor received a red rose and a Bulldog Pink Ribbon shirt. The Bulldogs displayed the Sisterhood of Survivors logo on the digital screen. Sisterhood of Survivors appreciates the group recognition, and all survivors feel truly celebrated for our successful breast cancer journey. Anyone who wore pink received free admission to the game - and it was an exciting game that went into OVERTIME!
SOS survivors pictured L-R: Gail Green, Diana Dhuyvetter, Mary Ann Rogozinski