Post date: Apr 26, 2012 7:43:58 PM
CLRC "Cancer and the Law" Educational Seminar
California Legal Resource Center's Staff Attorney Jamie Ledezma presented "Cancer and the Law" this morning at the Odd Fellows Lodge located at Helm and Gettysburg in Clovis. The seminar was designed for newly diagnosed breast cancer patients, caregivers, supporters and those in the medical field seeking to expand their knowledge of understanding the law and local resources available.
CLRC provided booklets to each attendee. A limited number of booklets are available at the Sisterhood of Survivors office located at 323 W Cromwell, Suite 112, Fresno, CA, please call for availability 559-439-2183.
Thank you Jamie for the great presentation! Thank you to the CLRC for sponsoring the refreshments, Central Valley Komen for providing a grant to CLRC for their work in the Central Valley, Odd Fellows Lodge for the awesome facilities, Sisterhood of Survivors Outreach Committee and the volunteers that helped before during and after the event.